华沙自十七世纪起成为波兰首都. 在这之前扮演这一角色的克拉科夫一直保持着首府和王国传统,是无可争辩的最重要的国家文化中心.
克拉科夫则拥有不可争辩的,波兰最具吸引力城市的地位.在历史上克拉科夫非常幸运.它几乎完整的保留了从中世纪到二十世纪波兰全部的历史古迹.到这里参观的每一位游客都有机会目睹它上至十世纪和十一世纪的发展遗迹. 克拉科夫保留了自己古老的建筑风格,包括现今世界上最大的中世纪市场.
克拉科夫曾作为多民族的波兰君主国的富饶首都长达百年.最近几年,这里修复了许多那个时期的古迹:位于瓦维尔高地上的王宫,世界上最古老的大学之一,漂亮的古教堂,金壁辉煌的宫殿,古老的犹太人聚居区. 除本地人以外,还有来自意大利,德国,俄罗斯等国的建筑大师,雕塑师,绘画大师等为装典这座城市而辛勤工作过.这里有许多博物馆,其中可以看到中世纪的杰出佳作,达.芬奇仅存于世的十二幅画作之一.精美的日本艺术收藏,来自全欧洲的手工艺品以及十九世纪末,二十世纪初的波兰精美绘画.馆藏丰富的图书馆中保存有克拉科夫大学毕业生哥白尼早期的精美手稿和著作的原始印刷品.还有著名作曲家莫扎特,巴赫,贝多芬的手稿.
传统的克拉科夫又是一座二十一世纪的都市.它有机场与西欧主要城市相连.西欧标准的高速公路也已开通.还有不断更新壮大的桥梁,立交桥等市内交通网, 现代化的水上乐园等等.这里宾馆旅店数量众多,从超豪华到大众化一应俱全,既有坐落于市中心的,也有位于市郊古老宫殿中的.
还有一点真正决定了全世界的人们都希望来克拉科夫,哪怕只是一小会儿: 瓦维尔高地下的生活真的是不可多得的享受.
Two Capitals on the Vistula
Warsaw has been undergoing dynamic development for some years now. Large shopping centres, beautiful public buildings, such as the National Library and the Supreme Court building, and big residential districts are being built there. The city was almost completely destroyed by the Nazis during the Second World War and especially during the Warsaw Rising of 1944, while the destruction was observed passively from a safe distance by the Soviet-led army which was advancing from the east. Despite its being the biggest resistance effort of the Second World War the rising is not very well known outside Poland, but it has been commemorated with numerous monuments and a recently opened museum in Warsaw.
Warsaw is today the biggest financial, industrial, scientific and entertainment centre in the region, and is still developing. The city is making great strides in the improvement of internal and transit transport and takes good care of its remaining historical buildings, such as the Royal Castle, the Old Town, Łazienki Palace and Wilanów.
Cracow is without doubt the biggest tourist attraction in Poland. The several wars which took place in Poland from the Middle Ages to the 20th century somehow left Cracow almost intact, and visitors to the city can see traces of its development dating back to the 10th and 11th centuries, while the original urban layout dating from 1257, with the largest medieval city square in the world, can still be seen today.
For centuries Cracow was the rich capital of the multinational Polish monarchy, and there are numerous sites of interest in the city dating to those times, many of which have been beautifully renovated recently, such as the Renaissance Royal Castle on Wawel Hill, one of the oldest universities in the world, splendid churches built by wealthy families, aristocratic palaces and the former Jewish district of Kazimierz. Many foreign (German, Italian, Russian) masters of architecture, sculpture and painting contributed to the beauty of the city. Cracow has numerous museums, with magnificent examples of medieval art and one of only twelve surviving paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, excellent collections of Japanese art, handicraft from all over Europe and splendid Polish painting from the turn of the 20th century. In the city’s libraries there are beautifully illustrated incunabula and copies of the first edition of the famous work of Nicolaus Copernicus, a graduate of the University, as well as manuscripts of sheet music written by such masters as Mozart, Bach and Beethoven.
History in Cracow is not confined to museums or protected by plate glass, but is part of everyday life, which visitors can experience themselves. The historical centre of the city is full of life. It attracts visitors with hundreds of pubs and restaurants situated in the vaults of deep medieval cellars, in pavement gardens, in palace courtyards or even on rooftops.
Not without good reason is Cracow regarded as the cultural capital of the country. Artists such as film director Andrzej Wajda and Nobel literature laureate Wisława Szymborska are attached to Cracow.
However, the historical Cracow is a city living in the 21st century. It has a comfortable airport offering connections with the most important destinations in western Europe, and is connected to the west-European system of motorways. The internal road system of the city is constantly being modernized and developed by means of new bridges and viaducts. Numerous hotels, from luxury to popular standard, wait for tourists in the city centre and in old manors around the city.
There is something more here, something that makes people from all over the world want to spend at least a moment here – an atmosphere which makes life in Cracow absolutely unique.