波兰菜典的形成主要受两大传统影响: 上等的和平民的.
前一种有着数百年的传统,它将本地作法与周边许多相邻民族贵族宫廷里最好的技艺相结合.波兰贵族喜欢款待客人,而且不惜成本,正如俗话所说:决定了就做. 那时候在餐桌上最重要的角色是野味,也就是野猪,鹿,野兔,松鸡,野鸡等.今天在波兰又有许多餐厅将野味作为他们的基本菜典.
如果说到酒类,波兰则是以纯净的伏特加著称.用土豆和黑麦经过多次蒸馏而成.名气小一点,但仍很有名的是调制酒类,如 żubrówka, jarzębiak 等.以及泡制酒如核桃酒,樱桃酒,白芷酒等.还有蜜制酒和品种繁多的啤酒.最后终于说到糕点和甜品.油炸面包圈值得一尝.它是用发酵面团加入按传统工艺制成的玫瑰酱,在油锅中炸好后裹上糖霜而成.非常受大众欢迎而有味美可口的甜品还有奶酪糕,它的主要成份是牛奶制成的白奶酪.
Specialities of Polish Cuisine
Two culinary traditions have affected Polish cuisine considerably – manorial and peasant. The first of them has a history of several centuries originating in the Polish gentry’s creative combination of native elements with what was best in the cuisine of neighbouring countries. The gentry loved receiving guests and partying and they did it without counting the cost, according to the common saying: ‘There may be no money to live on but there will always be enough to dazzle your guests.’ Dishes of game dishes made from wild boar, roe deer, hare, partridge, and pheasant were the most important on the table. Nowadays there are many restaurants in Poland in which game forms the basis of the menu.
Unfortunately, nature did not give Poland warm seas and seafood, but there are hundreds of clean freshwater lakes with an abundance of fish, such as trout, perch, pike, carp, tench and eel. Delicious and delicate, they are cooked with great skill in hundreds of ways.
Pork is the meat most often used in Polish cuisine, and the most popular dish is sliced pork sirloin fried in a breadcrumb coating. An unusually delicate spit-roasted piglet is the climax of many big parties given in restaurants, and in the mountains veal and mutton are also popular.
Polish cured meats enjoy a very good reputation. Among them is ham, thoroughly marinated before being smoked and cooked, while delicious sausages are made from the best pieces of pork and beef. They taste best with Polish bread.
Polish cuisine is certainly not dominated by meat. The peasant tradition offers a varied selection of pierogi, which consist of cases of a simple flour-based dough, filled with fruit, such as strawberries, blue berries or sour cherries, or specially prepared mixtures, such as curd cheese and mashed potato or cabbage and mushrooms. Meat pierogi are also made. The best pierogi are always made by everyone’s mother, but they are also on the menu in many restaurants, some of which serve only pierogi.
Wild forest mushrooms play an important role in Polish cuisine, and in autumn mushrooming becomes a passion for millions, who love the subtle but distinctive flavours of the many varieties waiting to be found. Mushrooms are often served in restaurants.
As far as alcoholic beverages are concerned, Poland is known for its many brands of pure vodka, which are made from rye or potatoes and distilled many times. Also very good, although less popular, are dry, flavoured vodkas (żubrówka – Bison Brand Vodka, or jarzębiak – rowanberry vodka), liqueurs (orzechówka – walnut liqueur, wiśniówka – cherry liquer, or litworówka – angelica liqueur), meads, and a wide selection of beers.
And at last come the cakes and desserts. Pączki are doughnuts, which traditionally have a delicious rose petal filling. Also extremely popular are cheesecakes.
The late John Paul II once addressed a crowd of several thousand in the town square of his home town of Wadowice. He recalled many moments from his years spent there, and at one moment pointed to one of the buildings and said ‘We went there to have cream cakes before our final exams.’ He still remembered the taste of the local baker’s cream cakes after over 60 years. Why? You will understand when you have tasted them.