


在扎科帕内诞生了波兰的滑雪业。远在二十世纪初,这里就举行了首场国际职业跳台滑雪赛并创造了首批记录。这里很快就建成了出色的滑雪基础设施,其现代化程度可与瑞士的达沃思媲美。在卡司普罗瓦还建起了索道。城市多次主办大型体育赛事,包括冬季大学生运动会及世界古典滑雪冠军赛。现在正争取主办2011年的上述最后两项赛事。这里拥有世界上最漂亮的跳台滑雪场。每年的元月份在这里举行有世界顶级跳台滑雪运动员参加的世界杯比赛。在扎科帕内,不仅仅是看滑雪, 而是参加滑雪。在市内及塔特拉山区分布着众多的、难易程度各异滑雪场。它们主要是为休闲运动者准备的。滑雪缆车道总体来说都很现代化,这是最近几年大规模投资的结果。由于有人工撒雪装置,冬季的热烈场景就不受天气变化的限制。租赁滑雪用具的店铺遍地皆是。还有教练员,他们会使你更容易掌握滑雪技巧并随心所欲。

Winter Capital of Poland

As Zakopane has been known as the winter capital of Poland for over 100 years now, the accolade is surely no exaggeration. This metropolitan status of the town can easily be felt during even a short stay. The winter season usually starts in the first part of December (although the first big wave of tourists arrives at Christmas) and lasts until May.
Polish skiing was born in Zakopane. The first international competitions were held at the beginning of the 20th century, and the first records were set on the ski-jump slope then. Very soon the town was provided with a perfect skiing infrastructure, which was so modern that Zakopane was compared to Davos in Switzerland. It was then that the cable car to Kasprowy Wierch  was constructed. Zakopane has hosted a number of significant sports events, including Student Winter Games and World Championships in Alpine Skiing, and is at present bidding to host the latter again in 2011. Every January the ski-jumping slope, which is thought to be one of the most beautiful in the world, is the venue of a competition in the World Cup series, in which the best ski-jumpers from all over the world take part. But in Zakopane skiing can not only be watched but, above all, enjoyed first hand. There are many ski runs in the town and in the Tatras, which give plenty of scope, but which are usually prepared for those who treat skiing as recreation.
The ski-lifts are generally fairly modern, which is the result of investment made in recent years. The conditions on the runs are not affected by the whims of the winter weather, as they are provided with artificial snow machines. Equipment rental, and instructors, whose professional advice can help overcome difficulties in learning to ski or snowboard, are available practically everywhere.
The early, winter dusk does not mean the end of the day in Zakopane. It can quite easily be prolonged until dawn as the town is well known for the variety of entertainment on offer. Numerous night clubs, casinos, elegant restaurants with refined dishes on the menu, as well as regional inns, pubs and cafes give a wide range of choice. The many cafes attract the biggest number of customers with simple, tasty dishes from highland cuisine, which are often served in an original way. A little space on the floor is of great importance in many highland inns, essential for dancing to the rhythm of live music played by local bands.