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A New Brand for the Region
Although many places are advertised as unique and special, this is only really convincing in certain cases. So let us think: does the region in…
Podkarpackie – a space open to investment
The economic development of the Sub-Carpathian region (Podkarpackie) is one of the most important issues facing the Regional Government. Today, in an era of global…
Cultural Spaces
The Sub-Carpathian region (Województwo Podkarpackie) is a cultural melting pot, a result of the intertwined fates of the Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, and Lemkos who lived…
RZESZÓW – Centre of the Polonia Art Movement
The 15th World Festival of Polonia* Folk Ensembles, which is held every three years, will take place in Rzeszow on 21st -28th July, 2011. The…
Podkarpackie Tastes Good
’There is no love more sincere than the love of food.’ So said George Bernard Shaw and this captures the feelings of those who have…
The Myth of the Bieszczady
The Bieszczady Mountains are somewhat of a mythical land even to Poles, a kind of ‘Wild West’, as indeed the region is still sometimes called. It is…